We aim to provide a better understanding of religion within our own beliefs and other main religions. This is our new project, "Jesus The Messiah". In order to bridge the gap between the three main religions and further more to enable us to get a better understanding of who Jesus really was or is.

The initiators of this project come from an English and Christian background who have much admiration for the Messiah and his teachings.

With our research from the three main religious books, we have found that all three books have been tampered with by people, fortunately the third book known as The Final Testament could not be tampered with. This is because the Arabic grammar used in the book is too complex for any human or computer to tamper with. It seems it has a protection mechanism.

“And if you are in doubt about that which we have sent down (Quran) to our slave (Muhammad) then produce a chapter like it(in Arabic) and call your witnesses(helpers) beside Allah, if you are truthful.” S2v23

Almost 1500 years have passed and no one has been successful in meeting this challenge (see Ref1). What does the Quran say?

“But if you do it not, and you can never do it, then fear the fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones prepared for the disbelievers.” S2v24
1500 years have elapsed no man or computer has been successful.

We are here not to present this book as the only truth. We believe all three books are true but the other two books have been adulterated.
We endeavour to present the truth to you from all three books for self study and analysis.

Our motto is this:
There should be no compulsion in religion as truth should be clear from the untruth.

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